Freitag, 21. März 2014

BJs ToolBox v1.6 - CameraMatch

After a lot of work the last couple of weeks I finally pushed out a new release of my KIT for MODO. All the time I spent for it was a new tool for matching a camera to a still image and so the name is quite obviously CameraMatch.
I had the idea for quite a while now but I wasn't really sure if I had the programming skills to do this. But after I had a look at an article from fxguide (actually two) I was sure I could do it.
At first it seemed pretty easy and it was going well. At least I thought it would. But after the solving of the two vanishing points it was pretty difficult for me. The math I did for the orientation of the camera didn't work or would only work for some images. Especially the yaw rotation made me headaches. Then I found BLAM a plugin for blender and it was based on Using Vanishing Points for Camera Calibration and Coarse 3D Reconstruction from a Single Image. And this was just what I have been looking for. I then spent about one week to get my vector math skills back on track which have been collecting dust since school. Would I had known that I really could use these I would have paid more attention back then.
Thanks to the modo community I could takle down some major bugs and here is the next version of BJs ToolBox.

Besides CameraMatch, BJ's ToolBox has several other features:


  • Rotate Element: hover over an element and rotate it through its local axis

Thread Tools:
Inspired by the modelling techniques of Peter Stammbach.

  • create inner or outer thread
  • define diameter, sides and the number of steps
  • the thread itself is currently hard coded and best use in the range of millimetres and centimetres


  • Cameras To Animation: create an animation from a bunch of cameras

Shader Tree:

  • Create Materials in Shader Tree: creates material groups for material tags
  • Create Material per Element
  •  Create Material per Mesh

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