This is a short walkthrough to how create a layered modo config like Fredrik Stenson described at
his site.
Since the environment.plist in user/MacOSX/ doesn't work anymore under Mountain Lion you have to choose a slightly different approach.
The easiest way is to set the paths in the launchd.conf located in /private/etc/
It's a hidden path so you need to make these visible:
- Open up a terminal window (Programms > Utilities > Terminal)
- Execute following command:
- defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
- Now hold 'alt' and click on the Finder icon in the toolbar
- Click relaunch
Now you should be able to see all the hidden files and folders and finally see the /etc/launchd.conf
Here you can now enter your custom folder for modo like described in the Layered modo Config guide.
To edit the file type enter following in the terminal window:
sudo vi /etc/launchd.conf (note: this file might not yet exist)
Now move the cursor to where new text will be added. To enter your values you need to change to insert mode by typing i.
Now you can enter the contents via the setenv e.g.:
setenv NEXUS_LICENSE /Users//_Library/modo/user/701/license
If you are done press ESC to go back to command mode. To write the file and quit type wq and hit ENTER.
You might need to restart your machine to make the new paths work.
You can find some detailed information about the launched.conf here:
And more about the vi[m] commands here:
Last thing to do is to deactivate show all for the finder:
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO